Lets get back to lockdown days

          Stuck in a lockdown

Welcome to my page again. I hope y’all are doing well and be ready to read my heartwarming experiencing days in a lockdown. It was so outrageous facing a situation like this, but this phase of life taught me a lot of things altogether. From face-to-face interaction to video calls, from celebrating birthday together to wishing birthday on WhatsApp, from embracing to saying hello from far. Though it was a relaxing day for some people like me obviously, by this time you realized my real me of course.
So lockdown I know it was a tough face for everyone in the world out there, some die some adopted the situation, the situation was different for different peoples. The covid 19 pandemic affect many countries starting from China Wuhan and affected pan India which eventually was a drastic outrageous phase we all face for the first time ever not for some short of time it feel like a web series wait for next episode till then live or die in curiosity. 
Lets get started with my lockdown days story nothing much but still read because for me nothing is better than something yes I am little weird for this because I used to do nothing during the lockdown days and eventually I get humiliated by my mom everyday that was my favorite to worst part of life ever. But unfortunately, I had a good habit of reading books, he I mean book was the one kind person where I can rely easily without any doubt my whole lockdown best friend. 
The feeling of just being trapped in a lockdown was so unusual for me I just bang my head on pillow because I was frustrated even after getting an ample amount of sleep. So my mom gave me an interesting work to release my frustration and that work was doing household chores everyday which I do but this one was horrible I mean seriously how can you wash already washed dishes, this was my moms believe washing dishes can release pain and frustration. 
All day what I used to do is eat sleep read dance and again repeat because I had nothing much to do with, so I thought of calling my cousins to home and have a chill. One thing I liked about this phase was everyone was happy together by spending time with each other with memories of laugh, varieties of stories, sad moments in a nutshell it was a phase that it eventually becomes memory for everyone out there. 
During lockdown we faced a lot of things and also explore some amazing stuffs too. Playing ludo with friends and family, trying some dalgona coffee, cake recipe from YouTube, every noon video calling, lockdown was almost a comfortable place for me. It was a time where I’ve always communicated with my friends on video calling or messaging, and when everybody was doing it didn’t feel quite lonely. But now as we are back to normal those days and feelings are surfacing again. That memories are drifting away. It was such an enormous shock foe everyone it felt like someone took away my freedom it was exhausting some chill days too. In a nutshell this lockdown taught a lot of meaningful things with meaningful peoples and the nature of networking and staying connected with our loved ones.! 
I really hope you liked my story, consider it as your story and put your thoughts in a comment section below. Thank you for your time.


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