PRIDE!! An asset
Pride!! What you understand from a term pride its Personal Rights in Defense and Education its a Google language. Pride actually is respecting your self accomplishments, even it is small admirable dignity,in general self respect altogether. The use of pride to refer to a reasonable form of self-respect began to appear in the 14th century, and the word has taken on a number of other shades of meaning since then. We have pride in different elements , being abnormal then also have a pride, being alone is also a pride, where we all are respectively respecting your identity. Identity is like an asset to everyone put there without identity, no one's gonna know you, identity doesn't come easily. We create identity in front of friends,family, strangers,and in front of mass people, because we are aware of our self respect. Pride is like a diamond to us; we keep trying to preserve it to sustain. We really try so hard to keep it back on track, it's so frag...